About The School


The school is open to both boys and girls from Nursery to Class XII. The medium of instruction is English. The school being affiliated to CBSE follows CBSE syllabus with all compulsory subjects up to Class X. The school offers Science, Commerce stream in Classes XI and XII.

Our students are encouraged to think and learn independently. The modern curriculum which we have developed at Maharaja Agrasain Girls Senior Secondary School is progressive, holistic and based upon the realities of contemporary pressures. The low teacher – pupil ratio ensures individual care and attention to each child. Thus the students’ academic progress is more personalized and his or her development can be closely monitored and encouraged. To make this model of teaching most effective highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty is appointed. National exchange programs for both students and teachers are arranged to develop in them a sense of appreciation, for what is true, good and beautiful in one’s own and other cultures. We offer counseling to our students regarding higher studies and career opportunities in India and abroad. There is a regular system of reporting on students’ progress throughout the year.